Explorers Connect

The Best Conservation Grants

FundingBelinda KirkComment

Travel and conservation go hand-in-hand. However, the costs of such journeys can be prohibitive. Here are some providers of conservation grants for you to peruse.

Best Conservation Grants

The SES Cadogan Tate Explorer Award

A £2,000 conservation grant to support expeditions bringing conservation practices to under-developed regions. The winning trip will have a clear focus on the protection of the planet and the environment. Past awardees have included trips to examine forest degradation in Madagascar and to central Peru to document the impact of deforestation and hunting on native fauna. For more information, see here

Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Environment, Nature and Sustainable Living Award

Conservation grants of up to £6,000 made to people working in these areas. Previous grants have included projects as diverse as trips to learn about wildlife re-introductions and trips to learn acid rain management techniques. For more information, click here

Whitley Wildlife Conservation Trust

Conservation grants awarded to UK and overseas projects in the range of £500 – £1500. They support a wide variety of projects such as practical habitat or species management, research, training, education, awareness raising or campaigning. To find out more, see here

National Geographic Conservation Grants

Conservation grants of up to $30,000 (~£24,000) toward projects which result in tangible solutions to a conservation problem. To see more, see here

Bioversity Grants

Conservation grants for students and working professionals to carry out thesis or other research that contributes to delivering scientific evidence, management practices and policy options to safe-guard agricultural biodiversity for global food and nutrition security. For more information click here