Explorers Connect

Teammate sought to travel across Africa, with Africa Objective

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Africa Objective is looking for a new team member for an extended overland trip across Africa. We seek an enthusiastic and inquisitive traveller to contribute to an artistic project to capture amazing stories of ordinary people across the continent. Ideally someone who is comfortable working in front of the camera.The trip will be self funded and low cost so you must be prepared for camping and basic living. For further details, schedule and costs please contact Teodora at africaobjective@gmail.com

Africa Objective is a mission to explore and find the most peculiar everyday African objects and tell hidden stories behind them. The team is ready to go, and seek a third member.

Setting out in 2021, the idea is to take about a year to travel overland  through Africa starting from Morocco. We will be collecting powerful images and real human stories around simple everyday objects. We would like to plan the trip in detail with our future travel partner. The goal is to discover meaningful insights about African life, beyond the well-scripted documentaries.

I am a keen travel photographer and my teammate Simon is a writer, experienced with Africa overland trips. We are looking for an experienced adventurous traveller with good artistic skills and bright personality to join us. The project is planned in principle, but has been delayed by the COVID pandemic. There will be further research and planning required to adjust to the new realities. Further details are available for anyone interested to engage. 

The journey will be shared on a Social platform “Africa objective” and if we are lucky enough to collect and tell a really unique and meaningful stories we could create a book. We also have a small team of supporters, ready to help.

Note: this is a non-commercial, self-funded expedition and potentially awesome cultural adventure.

My personal website: http://tottotophotography.com/