Explorers Connect

Walking the Congo River - Teammates Welcome

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Hello everyone,

I'm just beginning preparing for this journey and am collecting information necessary to put this trip together. Information like visas, equipment, expectations, route planning etc etc. I haven't been able to find too much information about doing this sort of thing in the DRC. I was wondering if anyone had any firsthand information they could share with me about their experience in the DRC or if anyone could refer me to some websites which may hold more information that could benefit me for my journey.

Finally if anyone could put me in contact with some experienced trekkers who have been in or are in the DRC then that would be gold. A little information about the trek:Im looking to do the walk by the main route of the river obviously. I plan to do this alone with guides that can take me along the river between city to city. Not sure yet how long this will take as I am not completely aware of the scale of development along the River in some areas. Still haven't decided to go upriver or down. This walk will be completed to raise awareness in the importance of the Congo River as a transportation route to Central Africa from the Atlantic and to help boost awareness of eco-tourism in the DRC.

Any questions for me feel free to shoot
