Explorers Connect

Teammates Wanted for Yukon River Canoe Journey

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

May 2016 - Yukon River source to Bering Sea

To paddle to the full 2000 miles from the rivers source at Atlin lake to Immonak, Bering Sea

In May 2016 I intend to paddle in an open canoe on the Yukon River and I am looking for a possible male or female that would like to undertake a journey of this nature with me. Other than the full adventure I will be making a short film and also learning from and staying with 1st nation peoples along the entire river course. I am to include this time to learn about the environmental and social factors that are affecting the indigenous peoples lifestyles and their vital link to the chinook salmon. It is a long journey, expected to take 3 months, so only those that would like this wild, by the river lifestyle and learning please apply. 

Please feel free to contact me on info@ianefinch.com or go to www.ianefinch.com


A paddler or canoeist would be ideal. Someone who has a deep passion for the outdoors, photography and learning from old 1st nation cultures. A knowledge of film making would be great but not essential. Someone who understands endurance and what their body is capable of and someone who feels that this is the right time to take on such a challenge.

This is a non-commercial expedition, costs will be shared equally between team mem