Explorers Connect

White Water Kayaking or Rafting, beginner to advanced

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

White Water Kayaking and Rafting for a month in Nepal for all levels of paddlers - YOU'RE INVITED - RALLY, HAVE AN ADVENTURE SUPPORT NEPAL Dates: 26 March to 21 AprilGuide Ratio: 1 Guide to 2 Participants with support rafts!...The Mission: Supporting paddlers to get involved in international paddling adventures no matter what their level, while at the same time supporting the local Nepali paddling community through using profits to provide sponsorships, equiptment, and training.See what we do: www.joinadventures.comFace book: Join AdventuresEmail: joinadventures@outlook.comWe welcome you to join us in Nepal for a month of travelling by river, of sharing adventure, of sharing stories, of sharing laughter, sharing knowledge, and campfires, and smiles. We invite you to share beautiful places, beautiful people, and to do all that while learning more and more about the rivers and people of Nepal. We share these adventures because we treasure connecting people. We use money generated from this trip to support Nepali paddlers with sponsorship, equiptment, and training. Paddling in Nepal makes a difference to people and to community.Cost: $2550UDS including equipment hire, accommodation, meals, transport.
