Explorers Connect

Paragliding in Tibet

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I am a paragliding and hang gliding pilot. Traveled in over 45 countries, did fly my paraglider in Romania, Hawaii, California, Arizona, Nepal etc. I plan to travel to Tibet in February- March 2016. We shall leave Beijing by train, travel for a week to Lhassa. We shall paraglide in the Himalayas, trekking, climbing, camping for 3 weeks.Everything will be wether related. Need people who can survive extreme weather and extreme geography. Paragliding skill is a plus, if not you will be my passenger. One week back to Beijing by train. The entire expedition will be about 5 weeks. Need people with photo/ movie skills since the places are incredible beautifull. Drone movie experience its a plus. Mandarin or Cantonese is not a must!
