Explorers Connect

Cycling across America

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Hi guys I am spending 4 months from May to September in the USA working/travelling. I am going to be based in boulder Colorado for most of the summer working,training and enjoying the US experience. Around august 15th I will be cycling from either Nevada or California across the USA to New York.

I am flying out of America from JFK at 4:00pm on September 19th so I will need to be in the airport on that day. I am looking for a partner to accompany me on my trek since my 2 friends who are joking me to America are not in the mood for hawking ass all a day every day on a hard saddle. Potentially we could be crossing dessert like terrain all the way to mountainous and some open road so I really don't know whats in store for the bikes but it will be a great adventure.I will be either taking the northern route or the mid route across America since they are the fastest. I hope to camp most of the way since it is too much of a hassle to set up housing a accommodation. I want to cover 70-100 miles a day.

I want to carry provisions and water/ clothes in side packs or on a trailer so we don't have to stop a lot. I want to do this in the time required and with a budget of $500 since I have a bike ready for me when I get there ( friends bike). I know all experienced cyclists have told me I cant do it without help from a chase car but I want to try.I will be using maps as well as a gps on one of the bikes for now that will have a tracker so we can be found at all times.i will have a working phone or sat phone if required for safety check points that will be set up across the country.

There is a plan B bug out plan that needs to be put in place in case of injury/ danger or missing my flight. I am trying to make this plan before in leave for America on the 24th of May but will most likely have it in place within 2 weeks of arrival.I am hoping to document this journey by filming and photographing so if you would like to email me a video of why you should be picked and send some pics of the best locations you cycle to that would be great.If you are into the idea and interested email me @ philipn96@gmail.com