Explorers Connect

The Australian Outback - 4x4 Expedition

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Humans began to inhabit Australia 60,000 years ago - yet we have tamed a very small portion of this vast red continent. This photography expedition (non-photographers are welcome!) will take you to the heart of the outback. It is a wild land of amazing rock formations, pristine beaches, coral reefs, stromatolites, koalas, red kangaroos, huge iguanas, and the second tallest trees on Earth - among many other highlights to experience and photograph over the course of 17 days. This expedition is offered to no more than four participants. You will travel with two of the most experienced outback guides out there (learn more on the expeditions webpage), who have been exploring this area of Australia since the early 1990s. We will be self-sufficient for most of the time, as we will have our own mechanic and will be travelling in a seven-seater 4x4 Nissan Patrol equipped with a cargo trailer. The scenery will be changing more often than you may think and there will be many starry nights spent camping in the wild and listening to the sounds of the animals. Humans are still guests here, not masters.We will camp in the wild in quiet places where you will fall asleep listening to the beat of your own heart. It may be that for two consecutive days we will not see any other human beings. We will spend our time chasing great light and having dinners around the camp fire under the cover of a cobalt sky and constellations of stars, the names of which are unknown to us. We hope these nights will remain in your memory forever: delicious food cooked on the camp fire, steaks fried on a shovel, bush tea, wine, beer and endless stories about the Aborigines, their customs, mythology, philosophy and way of life. For breakfast there will be bread baked by us in the desert oven.

For more details about the route, our guides ,expenses and images ,please visit: http://www.verticalshotexpeditions.com/australian-outback

This expedition is a rare opportunity to join two of the most experienced outback expedition leaders on a journey that is truly exploratory even in the old-fashioned meaning of the word. It will provide you with images and experiences that you will never forget. Just be warned that when you arrive back home, your town may seem far too busy for you thats what the Outback does to people.