Explorers Connect

Afrika Burn female adventurer buddy wanted!

Belinda KirkComment

Looking for an adventurous female to accompany myself, another female from South Africa, on her first trip to the amazing Afrika Burn festival in the Northern Karoo, Tankwa Town, in South Africa, from 25th April til 1st May!

All the info on the event can be found at www.afrikaburn.com, I already have 2 tickets bought and paid for, which have now officially sold out on the website. Requirements Female friend only, looking for someone keen to hit the outdoors on this famous arts festival in the middle of nowhere. You need to have funds to help share a camper van with all the things we need for the festival, and to share petrol and food costs.

The ticket is R900 which I have already purchased. So just looking for someone to go with that can share the costs involved.Please get in touch if you are keen!
