Explorers Connect

The Ice Race

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Starting in the Arctic in April 2016, The Ice Race 2016 is an exceptional four week challenge, travelling 300 gruelling miles over sea, ice and land in a race to reach the North Pole.Teams of three will compete after completing full training, which starts in the UK with a training weekend in Wales and an intensive week-long training course in Scandinavia.

There will also be refresher training before the race.Each team will be fully self-reliant, walking on skis and pulling all their equipment (weighing around 50kgs) in a pulk/sled behind them. There are three checkpoints along the route, which must be visited. Here the teams will be resupplied with food and fuel and there will be a compulsory stop of 12 hours.There is also a shorter race, which will be around 100 miles with one checkpoint.

This race will start at Resolute Bay and end at Polar Bear Pass, where the teams will be picked up and taken back to Resolute Bay. The shorter race will have the same training and equipment as the main Ice Race but take place over two weeks.Details are herewww.theicerace.com