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Biodiversity Expeditions in South America

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Have you explored where natures abundance flourishes like nowhere else on earth and biodiversity reaches its maximum expression? Have you explored the wild heart of the planet?Here is your chance!

Join Pacific Biodiversity Institute on several expeditions to explore the incredible biodiversity and immense wild areas of South America. All expeditions involve extensive nature observation, citizen science data collection, and opportunities to contribute to conservation efforts. These expeditions are part of PBIs multi-year South America Wildlands and Biodiversity Project. You can learn more on our web site and inquire by writing us at expeditions@pacificbio.org Pacific Biodiversity Institute invites avid adventurers, nature lovers and scientists to join several exciting expeditions in Argentina.

We will be exploring areas renowned for their rich biodiversity, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant culture. The areas we explore are ecologically diverse, with imposing mountains, extensive sub-tropical forests, wild rivers, rugged canyons, lush deserts, salt flats and high lakes. The areas are extremely rich in bird life, and other wild fauna and flora. Evidence of Inca and pre-Inca civilisations are found throughout the landscape. These provinces contain some of the most important unprotected wild-lands in Argentina.Upcoming Expeditions in 2015 Flamingo Science Expedition - Feb. 1-10, 2015 Wildlife and Wildand Science Expedition to the Argentine Andes - Mid-February, 2015 Wildlife Hotspots Expedition in Northwest Argentina - March, 2015 Wildland Conservation Expedition to Salta Province, Argentina - March, 2015 Wildlife Conservation Science Expedition to Central Western Argentina - March, 2015 Exploring and Mapping Ancient Inca Trails - March 22 - April 4, 2015 Bird and biodiversity hotspots of Northern Argentina - April, 2015.

Learn more at our expedition website - /www.pacificbio.org