Explorers Connect

Teammate Wanted for Transamazonian Highway Cycle

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

We are an Indie production house and currently in the process of developing a 4 part TV series based on “cycling across the Transamazonian Highway”. This is a travel based observational documentary in which team of two will be cycling across the most controversial road in the world examining various issues this road has caused including

-          Deforestation caused by loggers, miners and ranchers 

-          Disappearance of Indian tribes

-          Environmental impact that this road has caused

We are aiming to present serious issues through an entertaining series and appeal to broad range of audience.  Although the expedition will be physically demanding it is not a survival show or test of endurance.

Duration: 1 month 

When:  June 2016

About us, we are a production and distribution house based in the U.K and Italy. Our first TV series “Kapp to Cape”, made it to few TV channels including Fox International, Outside TV, YLE and AB Group and broadcasted in multiple countries in both side of the pond. 

For more information please visit  www.samarcandafilm.com

We are looking for an interesting character (male/ female) to join our main protagonist forming a team of two. Here are some of the requirement

-          Should be comfortable in front of camera 

-          Be expressive and comfortable showing emotions – laugh or cry

-          Be passionate about being part of a TV show - Even better if like to forge a career in T.V

-          Should be fit and have reasonable level of endurance 

-          Comfortable in handling difficult situations 

-          Well-travelled and know how to deal with people of different cultures

-          Resourceful and patient 

-          Be available during May and June 2016 

Although above are all important, however personality/character is the number one.

Looking forward to hear from you. Please contact Reza@thirdlineproduction.com