Explorers Connect

Group of crazy outdoorsy active folk

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Ammeter triathlete, cyclist, runner, trekking, trail running, horse riding loon looking to join an adventure for 2016.

Relatively fit, I'm always looking to push myself (break myself) and then push a little further. To date, though active I've still played it a little safe. Id like to join an adventure that when you tell people they give you that look or Really?!?e.g. Scotland coast to coast, 3 peaks cycling walking, Paris in 24 hours, Rowing/kayaking the length of the UK, etc, Working full time it would have to be something obtainable over a weekend/long weekend. Happy to travel to wherever but it would be lovely to live not too far from whomever else might be completing the challenge so we can do some training together.Its as much about joining a crazy challenge as it is meeting some fellow adventure enthusiasts!Willing to learn a new skill and just get out there!
