Explorers Connect

Live Life Join Me @ The 2015 Mongol Rally

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Hello adventuristos, Happy 2015Lets start this year good. I am planning for a while to do the Mongol Rally. Why not this year?If anyone is interested in joining me and setting up a team of 2/4 let me know. We still have 6 more months before the rally starts from London. There is no deadline to finish the race. I would like to stop and take in everything we encounter. The purpose of this rally is to simply make it whenever possible. I also had the idea to set up a charity funding and donate the money one our way to families in impoverished areas that could need an extra hand.You need to breathe adventure, experience with travelling, driving, technical, ideally basic CPR/Medical training or willing to take a course, fun, no serious people apply, ideally over 25 and with life experience, languages would be helpful (I speak 6), team spirit, survival spirit...CheersTed
