Explorers Connect

Mongolia & Gobi Desert Challenge Expedition

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

A challenging expedition for a small group of dedicated and determined individuals who want to experience a stunning, remote and challenging environment combined with a physical and mental challenge that will test you to the limits.The expedition is 60 days but we aim to make the crossing in 50 days which is approximately a marathon a day on foot. Dealing with wind, storms, sand, dust and more than a wee bit sunshine, not to mention stubborn camels.There will be a training and selection expedition in Ladakh during August 2015 for those that are interested and also in order to let the team get to know each other and carry out first aid training.2016 may seem a long way in the future but it is essential that the team get plenty of lead time to prepare both mentally and physically for this challenging expedition.A positive attitude and determination is what is required in order to make this crossing.Please ensure you watch the video and also read the further details on the website as this is a serious commitment both in terms of time and money.Please Send A Message using the blue button above if you are interested.


