Explorers Connect

Gyre to Gaia - a sailing adventure with a purpose

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Gyre to Gaia is an uplifting voyage that aims to explore our intriguing relationship with nature and the sea in particular with a focus on one of the most challenging ecological issues; ocean plastic pollution. Leg one will set sail from Falmouth in the UKon 17th September 2014 and head for the beautiful islands of the Azores.

Leg two departs the Azores on October the 4th and arrives on Lanzarote on the 12th. Gyre to Gaia is drawing together an inter-disciplinary crew, including designers, marine and materials scientists, students, philosophers, artists and writers, to sail from the UK to the Canary Islands, via the Azores. Through a carefully designed and facilitated journey to experience, experiment, discuss and reflect on how profoundly we need the sea; what an extraordinary, wonderful, diverse environment it is; what is happening to it; how lifestyle choices impact on it; and what we can do.We have drawn together an inter-disciplinary crew of artists, philosophers, photographers, designers and scientists.