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Kayak Expedition on Spitsbergen 2014

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Join the Outdoorsports Spitsbergen expedition on a 14-days adventure through the majestic Ice Fjord. We pass no less than six glaciers during the nearly 300 km journey.

 Paddling along impressive cliffs and deserted sand meadows, the expedition explores some of the many cultural traces of trappers and old mines in the area. After spending a night in Longyearbyen, a chartered boat will take us to the northwest of the Ice Fiord. Here, we are welcomed by the impressive Esmarkbree and we set up our first camp. The following days we paddle along the coast and through the coves and inlets before the North Fiord welcomes us. Along the way, we pass vestiges of both Norwegian and Russian fishing stations from the 1800s before we reach the more sheltered waters in Ekmanfjorden and Dickson's Inlet.From here we head along the open coast past Kapp Thordsen and towards the bottom of the Bill Fiord.

During this part of the trip we visit the beautiful Skanbukta and explore the old settlement of Svenskehuset, where seventeen Norwegian sailors died during the winter of 1873. The final goal of the expedition is the abandoned Russian mine at the Pyramid, where we spend the last night of the expedition.During the expedition we camp along the coast in expedition tents. All equipment and food necessary for the entire trip is brought in the kayaks. The area is characterised by a rugged and fascinating wilderness with a rich and varied flora and fauna, and has no permanent civilisation. The Ice Fiord area contains hundreds of cultural traces of human activity through the past 400 years, which has all been preserved since 1946. The opportunity to meet polar bears on Spitsbergen is rather large, and therefore all participants will take part in a 24-7 guard shift to ensure that the camp is always watched.

After a visit to the Pyramid we board the chartered boat and head back to Longyearbyen, where we check in at the hotel and have time to look at the town's restaurants and pubs. If you wish to extend your visit in Spitsbergen we are happy to assist you with accommodation and inspiration for things to do and see. Spitsbergen has a lot to offer. Everything can be arranged, from guided boat trips to dog sled trips and individual hiking trips close to town.To participate in this expedition, it is required that you have a thorough knowledge of kayaking and several years of experience. Although the expedition takes place in the summer months and safety is high, conditions on Spitsbergen are very volatile and demand great routine.

Contact us if you want know more about how to prepare yourself for this expedition. Dates:13. August to 27. August 2014. Duration: 14 days on Spitsbergen. Meeting point: Oslo, Norway. Sign-up before: 1. june 2014. Price: $ 7.295 / 5.335Book and read more - www.arcticexpedition.com/en/spitsbergen.html