Explorers Connect

Kayak Expedition in Northeast Greenland 2014

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

The expedition lasts three weeks and includes around 400-450 km of kayaking in the beautiful inlet system along the King Oscar Fiord. We fly in from Iceland, and after landing, all the equipment and supplies for the entire trip are carried in the kayaks. During the expedition we explore the area's natural and culturally historic sites. The expedition, which will be headed by trained guides with extensive infield experience, will have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7 participants. To participate, it is required that you are in good physical shape and as a minimum hold a Level 2 European Paddle Pass or equivalent. This is a truly unique experience in an area rarely visited by only those who are prepared for a great adventure. The expedition takes place from late July to mid-August, when the Arctic summer reigns. During this period, daylight is present around the clock as well as a relatively mild climate with temperatures ranging from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. At that time of the year, in the middle of the ice-free period, plant and animal life can be studied at close hand. The area offers everything from musk oxen to polar bears and a large number of migratory birds. In addition, there are clear traces of the hunting culture that emerged in the beginning of the 1900s when hunters from the populated area of North Greenland settled here. The huts of those hunters are preserved in precisely the same condition as when the area was abandoned, and are now used by the Sirius Patrol and the rare expeditions visiting the area. The opportunity of meeting polar bears in Northeast Greenland is rather good. Therefore, all participants will take part in a 24-7 guard shift routine to ensure that the camp is always watched. In addition, it is necessary that all participants are committed to taking responsibility and participating in the daily tasks around setting up the camp, cooking and other common tasks. Only to a limited extent will it be possible to communicate with the outside world via satellite phone during the expedition. The 21 day expedition costs in the region of 9,570 (paid in USD or Euros$ 15.995 / 11.695) Registration for this trip is necessary by 1st April - this means you must have signed up and paid a deposit by this date. You are going into a very special area where specific permits and insurance are needed so booking well in advance is a necessity.
