Explorers Connect

Motorbike Mongolia

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Planning to go explore Mongolia by Motorbike next March/April. Roughly 2000 mile loop of the country including the Gobi desert.Estimated costs.... (Total 1250)Flights 600Motorbike rental 250 (25 days @ 10)Fuel 150Visa 50Food Misc 200The only other expense would be any kit you need. You would need good cold weather kit (average temp in March is -10c with the likelihood of much colder temps at night.The motorbikes will be little 150cc Chinese built machines with a rucksack strapped to the back. I will becamping for the duration and cooking basic food with a stove. I usually prefer to travel by bicycle but the motorbike offers a good compromise to see as much as possible in a relatively short space of time.If you are free in March/April, interested in exploring Mongolia, OK with the cold and like the idea of spending a month in a tent then get in touch. I would like to share this adventure with an easy going like minded individual.twriley11@gmail.com