Explorers Connect

Samba Soccer Stadium Cycle Safari - Teammates Wanted

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

I'm going to cycle 5,500 miles across Brazil visiting each FIFA World Cup 2014 stadium prior to the tournament - check out my website - http://smudgersambacycle.org/ - for more info on the route.

When: early January to early June 2014, so pre-World Cup which starts 12th June and then I've applied for tickets to follow England (if they qualify!) with some mates from home.

Who/Why: I'm Andy, a 35-year-old from London, and an ex-corporate employee who's quit in search of adventure. I also love sport. Join me: for the whole thing, or just one stage, eg. Sau Paulo to Rio, or meet me along the route to say ola!

You can also contact me on @SmudgerAndy on Twitter.