Explorers Connect

Paddle mate for first ever ascent of the Murray River

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

This December I am attempting the first ever full ascent of the Murray River, Australia's longest river.The expedition starts at the mouth of the Murray in South Australia and will continue upstream to the Victorian Alpine Region to near the source. A total distance of 2,520km by kayak.The plan is to then get out of the water and hike the final distance to the source of the Murray followed by a 40km trek to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko which is Australia's highest peak effectively climbing it from sea to summit.The total expedition is expected to take anywhere from 4 to 6 months depending on the weather and river flow.You can join for the whole expedition or any part of it.The expedition will be raising funds and awareness for environmental charities along the way and is if successful will be a first.
