Explorers Connect

Advice on Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan?

OtherBelinda KirkComment

Hello Explorers!

We're going to Tajikistan in October with the goal of writing a guide book for Tajikistan and ultimately working in disaster management - I (Laura) just finished my MSc in Hazards and Disaster Management and realised there's no point staying in England as (luckily) we don't really have that many disasters. We were wondering if anyone wanted to share their experiences of Tajikistan with us, to give us any guidance as to the area, especially with regards the Pamirs. If anyone is planning a trip to Tajikistan, we'd love to hear from you and meet up with you while you're there.

If you'd like to contact us, please email sheytaana@gmail.com.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Paul and Laura