Explorers Connect

Sail Our Seas

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

Sail Our Seas is an ocean adventure that will travel across the Atlantic from the UK to Brazil, then journey south along the east coast of South America, before sailing through the Magellan Straits that will take us out into the Pacific towards Rapa Nui - Easter Island.

We will be retracing the route of the 1914 Mana Expedition to Easter Island - revisiting the sites of the original team whilst monitoring ocean plastic pollution, along side collecting marine biological oceanographical data. We are looking for a few final team members - people who would like to sail the whole route, or maybe just sections of the voyage?

In particular we are interested in talking to people who have a research idea or a certain skill they could bring to our team. We are looking for people who can help us sail, document and share the voyage - before, during and after the expedition in a variety of creative, academic and entrepreneurial ways. "