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Husky Sledding Expedition in the Arctic Norway Wilderness

Join a TeamBelinda KirkComment

In the realm of Arctic mountains and fjords, we aim to provide the most breathtaking and enjoyable adventure possible. In a genuine expedition atmosphere, this is Active Dog Sledding in spectacular landscapes through Northern Norway, Sweden and Finland. Mushing your own sled pulled by a happy and excited team of experienced Alaskan Huskies. You will be given full instructions on how to harness the dogs and attach them to the gang line, and you will learn the commands needed to steer the dog team. This will make you feel confident mushing your own dog sled for the following 6 days in the Arctic wilderness. We will teach you how to set up and break camp in Arctic conditions which you will find essential skills throughout the trip and proud to take home. Your renowned guide, Tore Albrigtsen, has more than 30 years of experience at long-distance dog races and extreme expeditions and will be happy to share his knowledge with you. Being part of a small group, personal training and follow-up is absolutely guaranteed, and will make your encounter with nature unique and unforgettable.www.activetromso.no Example Itinerary: this can vary due to weather conditions and will be chosen with safety being paramount. Day 1: On arrival in Troms, we pick you up at the airport and travel 35 minutes to our base in the Mountains where you will be warmly welcomed by your Norwegian guides and family. We will give a full brief into dog sledding and camping in Arctic conditions as well as meet your expedition team mates. Day 2: We wake early for breakfast so we can pack the equipment, including the sledges and the dog teams. We drive 2 hours through scenic fjords and mountains towards Signaldalen. The husky teams are prepared and we take off on the first days journey up to the highlands. The journey takes you through frozen pine and birch forests then off trail through the mountains and peaks. This is one of the more physically demanding days, occasionally pushing the sled up hills helping your husky team through some steep climbs. Day 3: After a good nights sleep, its worth a look outside the tent early, to find windswept landscapes and sweet natured waking dogs. We make breakfast within our tents, followed by breaking camp and packing the sledges. We harness the excited dogs and depending on the conditions the next part of the journey is planned. Heading upwards towards the Ice Valley the journey takes us through varied breathtaking scenery, over frozen lakes and amongst the peaks, the trees are gone and replaced by open wilderness. Upon finding a suitable camp, we unharness the dogs with a sense of pride and achievement and set up camp for our second night. Day 4: After breaking camp you cant help but look forward to those precious moments when harnessing the dogs. They have grown to know you and recognise you are one of their pack. Harnessed up, the dogs howl and yap with excitement of pulling the sledges, we continue our journey off trail high within the mountains. Driving through deep snow conditions, over buried lakes and meandering rivers we travel through Norway towards the Swedish border. At this point a few routes could be followed. Finding shelter amongst the birch trees and close to a river for water, we camp for the night. Day 5: Now heading towards the Finish border, we follow the river, a wide and long flat stretch surrounded by valleys. A surreal experience knowing what is below, probably a meter of ice above a flowing river, covered by deep snow that your four legged team find a natural course to pull ahead. After a long day of sledding we finally arrive at Treriksrysa, where Finland, Sweden and Norway meet. Day 6: Excited and perhaps just a few aches, some technical challenges lie ahead, we drive through deep snow, downhill forests trails, rolling miniature valleys and inclines. An opportunity is taken to stop at a very special place for lunch enabling us to get up close to the frozen landscape, to either appreciate or be curious. Setting off again in this spectacular Norwegian wilderness we continue to practice the skills we are now more confident with. We reach a sheltered area within the forest to gather wood and bark to create a fire for the last night of the journey. We settle down to a warm fire and cook our final dinner as a team Day 7: We wake in the knowledge of the technical decent we are about to embark on. Maybe a little nervous but can feel the energy of the dogs who know they are on the home stretch. Its the last day to harness up the team and pack our sledges. We drive slowly with all we have to give on the breaks. Excited and full of adrenalin, we find ourselves in Narnia once more! Crossing the rivers we finally reach our journey end. Saying goodbye to the dogs is a difficult moment but a proud one. We are then transported back to Tromso to the hotel, where you can enjoy the first shower in a nearly a week,and head out for a celebratory dinner with your team mates.
