Explorers Connect

ETE Teachers South Pole Mission

CommunityBelinda KirkComment


My name is Antony Jinman, and I am going on a solo expedition to the South Pole departing on Sunday 17th November.

The aim of the expedition is to provide learning resources and an interactive discussion board to allow students to speak with and ask questions directly to me whilst he is on the expedition and to also ask ETEs Panel of Polar Experts questions about the expedition life, science, food and nutrition. As a young boy growing up I learnt about Captain Scott and saw him as my Hero, from that point onwards it has always been my dream to reach the North and South Poles. Through hard work in the outdoors industry and undertaking Arctic expeditions, I achieved my dream of reaching the Geographic North Pole in 2010. The North Pole expedition led me and my two team mates to travel over 500 miles from Cape Discovery to the Geographic North Pole in just 51 days.

We did this through a mixture of different ways going by ski, snow shoe and even swimming. My next expedition will take me to the South Pole, skiing 730 miles across Antarctica from Hercules inlet, unsupported, which will take around 55 days! Through this expedition I aim to teach people about the environment at the South Pole, and also to show people how important it is to do regular exercise and eat healthily. Whilst on the expedition I will also be working with academics from Plymouth University to gather some data for both dementia research looking into the affect of extreme physical conditions and loneliness on memory and I will also work with Dr Alexis Kirke, on computer music research, to compose pieces of music on a tablet computer whilst on the trek.

Using the ETE Teachers website I will be uploading photos, videos and blogs about my preparation for the South Pole Expedition, and doing the same whilst I am away in Antarctica from November to January!

If you are interested in finding out more information or to follow me on my expedition then please go to www.eteteachers.org or www.antonyjinman.com where you will be able to follow the updates about my expedition.