Explorers Connect

Cycling around the world

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Laura and Tim Moss are currently cycling from the UK to Australia across Europe, the Middle East, Central and South East Asia.On the day that the two of us first got together, we jokingly made a date to cycle around the world in 2013. Over the years, it slowly became less of a joke and more of a reality, and this spring we both handed in our notices at work.We departed the UK on August 18th.

We anticipate it taking between 12 and 18 months.Our website is regularly updated with stories from the road, live Tweets and Facebook news, a route map and stats from the ride. Website:www.thenextchallenge.org Twitter: @NextChallenge and @LauraLikesWater Facebook: facebook.com/thenextchallengeBerghaus Everyday Adventurers |Light My Fire Adventurer of the Year Finalists |Keen Ambassadors |Lyon Equipment Sponsored Athletes-UPDATE JULY 2014.

We are now in South East Asia cycling south to Singapore. From there we fly to Australia then its New Zealands North Island before flying to San Francisco to cross the United States. Home in time for Christmas!