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Pre-Proposals Invited for Collaborative Research on RV Falkor in 2015

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Schmidt Ocean Institute invites Expressions of Interest in collaborative research cruises on R/V Falkor in 2015. The 2014 research cruise planning process is now nearly completed, indicating that the R/V Falkor will be operating in the Western Pacific Ocean, near Guam at the end of 2014. The Schmidt Ocean Institute R/V Falkor 2015 research cruise planning process will progress through the following stages:1) Open call for 1-2 page Expressions of Interests in collaborative research on R/V Falkor will continue through October 15, 2012 (current scheduling estimate).2) All received Expressions of Interest will be reviewed with independent non-conflicted experts and advisors to understand how the areas of expressed research interest cluster among the fields of oceanography and geographical locations. This analysis will aim to determine research themes and geograhical locations that will have the highest probability of generating long term impact in alignment with the stragegic interests of the Schmidt Ocean Institute. We currently estimate this planning phase to span the period between October 15 and December 31, 2012.3) Approximately 15-20 full research proposals will be solicited in a targeted manner from a select subset of the research groups who submit most promising Expressions of Interest within the highest priority fields of oceanography and associated geographical locations as will be determined based on the review and analysis of the Expressions of Interest. Tentative due date for the full proposal submission to the Schmidt Ocean Institute is expected to be March 31, 2013.4) Full proposals will be formally evaluated by 4-6 independent non-conflicted experts specializing in the fields of research pertinent to the proposed studies. Formal evaluations will tentatively span the period between April 1 and June 30, 2013.5) Review panel of independent non-conflicted broad area experts will be convened by the Schmidt Ocean Institute to evaluate all proposals with respective mail-in reviews against the strategic interests of the Schmidt Ocean Institute tentatively in June of 2013. All proposals will be assigned an approval priority ranking based on the panel evaluations.6) Prioritized list of evaluated proposals will be compared against the operational targets and logistical constraints of the Schmidt Ocean Institute, and a 2015 research vessel Falkor operational schedule proposal will be developed internally at the Schmidt Ocean Institute, aiming to first accommodate the highest ranked research projects.7) The 2015 R/V Falkor consolidated scheduling proposal will be reviewed and approved with the Schmidt Ocean Institute Board of Directors. All proponents will be informed about the outcomes of the proposal review process, tentatively, at the end of July of 2013.