Explorers Connect

The Great African Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Explorers Connect is proud to support anthropologist and modern day African explorer Julian Monroe Fisher as he announces a five year - seven expeditions - Ethnographical research project deep in the heart of Africa.

Entitled, The Great African Expedition, Fisher will conduct a 21st century Ethnographical documentation of specific regions of Africa related to the 19th century Victorian age of exploration. The project will follow the African expeditionary routes of the famed Victorian explorers to include Speke, Grant, Burton, Baker, de Brazza, Wissman, Cameron, Stanley and Livingstone. For the journeys Fisher will implore the use of dugout canoes, camels, donkeys, horses, feluccas, ferry boats and on foot.The objective of The Great African Expedition will be to compare the 19th century Ethnographical research documentation of the African tribal kingdoms along the rivers and lakes gathered during the expeditions of the Victorian age explorers with the realities of 21st century Africa. Phase one and two of the project will begin in March, 2012, with Fisher travelling alone on an overland journey up the Nile River from Cairo, Egypt to Khartoum, Sudan.

He will then cross the worlds newest nation of South Sudan to Lake Albert in Uganda.Julian Monroe Fisher is a Fellow of The Royal Geographical Society in London and an International Fellow of The Explorers Club in New York City. Between 2007 and 2011 Fisher had the honour of carrying the Explorers Club Flag on five consecutive research expeditions to the African continent. In 2008 he and his team were accredited by The Ugandan Wildlife Authority for establishing a new route in the Rwenzori Mountains. In 2011 the explorer walked large portions of the African continent between the Indian Ocean coast of Mozambique and the Atlantic Coast of Angola. Julian is also one of Railriders clothing's sponsored explorers.

Phase One will be from The Nile Cairo to Khartoum- 'The Explorers Route'(read more)If you live in London - look out for Julian's talk at London Explorers on 1st November. We are honoured to have Julian join us for the evening.
