Explorers Connect

Adventure trip with hot air ballooning

Belinda KirkComment

Join me on this new exciting hot air ballooning (no previous flyingexperience required) and adventure tour to Georgia and Armenia!

Within Georgia we shall self-drive our locally hired landcruisers, fly up by helicopter or aeroplane to the highest inhabited villages in Europe situated in the high Caucasus mountains and visit ancient Christian culture and heritage in Armenia. Included in the package are a number of hot air balloon flights in various locations throughout the tour. Anybody welcome! A few spaces left. Tour dates are: 16.9.-2.10.2012. Full package price excluding international flights2200. contact: balloonjourneys@alliedunnington.co.uk or call 07776202731. Or join us for next year's repeat of our very successful balloon adventure tour around Mongolia running from the 31.7.-15.8.2013.

A tour that will show you the real Mongolia with flights in the mountains of the Tsenker valley, the Gobi desert and the ancient capital of Karakorum! Anybody welcome!