Explorers Connect

The Global Triathlon

CommunityBelinda KirkComment


In May 2012, Dan Martin will attempt a Global Triathlon swimming, cycling and running around the world. This will include a grueling 5700km swim across the Atlantic.

This will be Dan Martins third large scale expedition to date. Previously Dan has climbed mountains, crossed deserts and jungles, cycled over 34,000miles round boths coasts of Africa, across the Tibetan Plateau and through the Axis of Evil by bike. In training for this expedtion Dan has completed swims all over the world including training in The English Channel, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific and Loch Ness.

The Global Triathlon is a triathlon of epic proportions. The first leg is a 3600mile swim across the Atlantic from New York, USA to Brest, France. From the beach in France Dan will then cycle 9000miles through Eurasia to Bering Straits and then run 5500miles from Alaska to New York completing a man powered loop of the globe with the New York Marathon in November 2013!