Explorers Connect

South Pole Race 2013-14

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Racing to the South Pole with Extreme World Races! Overview: Starting from the frozen Antarctica coastline of Novo on and set in the coldest, driest and highest desert on the planet, competitors race 745km to be the first to the Pole.

With the threat of crevasses, snow bridges, katabatic winds of up to 100mph, temperatures as low as -50C, the threat of blinding snowstorms and whiteouts whilst rising to over 3000m on the high polar plateau ... the South Pole race is the ultimate extreme challenge. Departure: 15-Dec-13. Travel via Cape Town. Includes 10 days acclimatisation trek through Antarctic mountains Start date: 01-Jan-14 Expected return date: 2nd February 2014 (actual race expected to take between 20-25 days) Distance: 504 nautical miles Expected temperature: -40 degrees C Expected wind speeds: +70mph RACE RULES Each competitor must pull 70kg of kit on special sledges called pulks Sleeping in tents, moving on cross country skis melting ice for drinking water Enforced 24 hour rest medical evaluation at 1/2 way checkpoint. No contact allowed with outside world everything taken in, must be taken out.
