Explorers Connect

Banff Mountain Film Festival 2012: free tickets for EC Members

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The UK Tour of theBanff Mountain Film Festival World Tour kicks off in Edinburgh on 27 January and is heading right across the UK. Explorers Connect have free pairs of tickets for our members!

A pair of tickets will be given away in prize draws at each of the London, Bristol and Cardiff Explorers Drinks events in December 2011 and January 2012. There are also tickets for Edinburgh, Newcastle and Liverpool showings open to all our members.

To enter all you need to do is send an email tobelinda@explorersconnect.comwith your name, address and which showing you'd like to attend (Edinburgh, Newcastle or Liverpool). Names will be picked out of a hat on 12th January at the London Explorers Drinks event and winners will be notified later that week.

The 2012 UK Tour will feature a whole new line up of incredible films from the world's finest adventure film makers. Through the big screen be transported to amazing wild places, visit remote cultures and have your breath taken away with high adrenaline action sports.

Check out their locations/ booking page for more dates and more details. photo: Alex Girard backcountry skiing, Rogers Pass, B.C. Ryan Creary"