Explorers Connect

Jumping off Everest

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

British adventurer Louise 'Squash' Falconer is currently in Nepal as she attempts to become the first woman to climb Mount Everest and subsequently paraglide from the summit.

Two years ago 'Squash' rode a motorbike to the foot of the highest mountain in Europe, Mount Blanc, climbed to the summit and finished by paragliding off the top. Becoming the first British woman to succeed at such a feat encouraged her to aim even higher the next time - Everest. Having spent over 3 weeks acclimatising at various base camps, Falconer is now at Camp 3 waiting for good weather to make an attempt on the summit.

In her last press release she describes having to fasten a tent to sleep on a ledge, with the temperature being around minus thirty. She is hoping to reach the top and do the jump sometime between the 13th and the 25th May.