Explorers Connect

Apa Sherpa's World Record Everest Summit

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Apa Sherpa has summited Everest for a record 21st time, on this occasion as climbing leader of the 'Eco Everest Expedition 2011.'

Apa made his first ascent on the 1st May 1990 and has continued to summit at least once per year with only two exceptions (1996 and 2001.) The message he delivered upon claiming the record was 'stop climate change.' This has been his major focus for the past 4 years, each of which has included a successful attempt on the peak with 'Eco Everest.' He talked of being committed to helping remove old garbage from the mountain, and increasing global awareness regarding climate change.

His efforts since 2007, along with Eco Everest Expedition leader Dawa Steven Sherpa, have helped bring 13,500 kilograms of rubbish off the slopes for proper disposal. Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, is currently experiencing a flurry of summit attempts with the favourable weather holds over the Himalayas.