Explorers Connect


Ladakh and Kashmir Overland Adventure

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

After years of careful planning were excited to announce well be running our pioneering 3 week overland trip to Kashmir and Ladakh this June! Why not join us?This adventure is perfect for those of you who are looking for something a bit different and to immerse themselves in a magical and untouched pocket of India. By experiencing the diversity of Indias culture, religion, landscapes and cuisine in microcosm this really is a unique adventure!

You will be swept from the perfect chaos of Delhi to the colonial summer retreat of Shimla, over the high mountain passes of Ladakh and through the oasis towns of the Nubra Valley, visiting ancient Buddhist monasteries en route. We will then transverse onto the tranquil waters of Dal Lake, through Srinagar in Kashmir, and finishing at the Golden Temple of Amritsar.Save 15% if you book now!

Donations/sponsorship for Kilimanjaro Climb in aid of Worldwide Cancer Research!

Funding, CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi all,

My name is Lauren, in August this year i am hoping to head to Tanzania to trek up Mount.Kilimanjaro in aid of Worldwide Cancer Research.

I am currently hoping to find sponsorship from individuals who, like myself, love an adventure and like to help out in any way they can!If this sounds like something you'd be interested in helping out with then please drop me an email at lmcguire96@live.co.uk for more info and my authorisation credentials from the charity.

Thank you, take care all!

Swedish Classic

CommunityBelinda Kirk1 Comment

En svensk klassiker, Swedish classic circuit, is a diploma awarded to those who have finished races in four races disciplines (cross country skiing, cycling, swimming and cross country running) during a 12-month period. The diploma was first awarded in 1972.Thousands of people, mostly Swedes, take part in all four each year and receive the Swedish Classic Circuit award. More than 28,000 people (more than 4,500 women) have achieved this.

I'm interested in trying to achieve this in 2017 and am looking for other interested people to get a travel/training group together!Check out the race details and locations online and if it appeals to you get in touch! I'm an amateur triathlete but have never touched a pair of cross country skis!


3 peaks 3 weeks

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hiking and rock climbing three peaks in East Africa mountain in 3 weeks.Start with Mount Kenya for 6 days Sirimon - Chogoria route the most scenic route.One day climbing Batian 5199meters via normal route grade 4 Normal route via Austrian Hut.After we will crossover to Tanzania and trek Kilimanjaro 7 days Machame route the best and most scenic route. The Machame route, known as the Whiskey route, is now the most popular route on the mountain. Machame approaches from the southwest and descends using Mweka, rewarding climbers with views of the expansive Shira Plateau, an optional scramble up Lava Tower, a climb up the Great Barranco Wall, and a traverse underneath Kilimanjaros Southern Icefield. The descent occurs on the Mweka route.

Trans American Trail Motorcycle Tour

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi, I am planning to do the TAT (Trans American Trail) in June/July 2015. I am a UK resident but will be exporting my own BMW G650GS Sertao motorcycle for the tour. I am looking to make a documentary about the tour and would be looking for a support rider/riders. No experience necessary just will and determination and your own adventure motorcycle will suffice. But if you have photographic/filming experience all the better.I will be prepping for my trip from a friends house in Massachusetts, before heading off to Tennessee, for navigation I will beusing GPS with maps from the TAT website. I expect the journey to take 4-6 weeks. I could go on, but this is the basic plan if you have any question please ask. This is an unpaid position and you will be expected to pay for accommodation/food/camping equipment and fuel yourself.

Best options for solo trekking in South Africa?

CommunityBelinda KirkComment


I'm going to South Africa from the UK in a few weeks and am trying to work out the best location for solo trekking where it is either permissible (or at least where I can get away with it) and with sleeping huts so I don't need to carry a tent. I'm looking for a challenging hike but one which is feasible solo, ideally with some form of trail marking but that's not a must. I don't want to use a guide or join a group if it can be avoided. Ill be travelling from JoBurg, where Ill be for work in the previous week. I've trekked solo in tons of places like Nepal, New Zealand, Peruvian Andes, Mont Blanc so I'm comfortable alone, but I'm not super hard core and I'm female so somewhere which is relatively safe in that respect is a must. I've trekked (with a guide) in the Drakensburg which was perfect but red tape says solo trekking isn't allowed. Has anyone done so anyway and is there anything stopping me other than lack of hut reservation? Trail possibilities I've looked at are Giants Cup (ideal but cant book as solo trekker - can I work around this?) Tsistikamma (I'm not keen on apparently lots of river crossings)and Amatola. Has anyone done any of these trails? Any guidance appreciated.



#ChapeauCycle across France

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

In 2014 I cycled 5,000 miles across Brazil to visit all 12 of the World Cup football stadiums before the tournament kicked off - it was an amazing way to explore and discover sucha diverse country as it prepared to host this huge event:http://smudgersambacycle.org/When it was over the obvious question became... whats next?Well, Id love to see more of Europe and particularly France, and the next European Championships is being held there (10 June to 10 July 2016), so Im gonna cycle to visit all 10 of the stadiums/cities during May 2016:http://www.uefa.com/uefaeuro-finals/hosts/france/Heres thebasic route map:http://www.scribblemaps.com/maps/view/Le_Tour_des_Stades/SocEntSycle

Wanna join me for some or all of it?The total distance (starting from London) will be about 1,000 miles, which at a steady pace(ie. touring not racing!)will take about a month, including 1-2 day stops in each host city to look around and visit the stadiums. I plan to camp as much as possible in order to keep costs down, but stay in hostels/BBs or maybe Couchsurf in the cities.I appreciate its probablytricky for peopleto commit to doing the whole thing, so maybe the London to Paris (via Lens and Lille) segment, or the Bordeaux to Nice (via Toulouse and Marseille) segment might appeal to come and join mefor part of the adventure.Ill be blogging via the#ChapeauCyclewebsite (not set up yet) and will be aiming to raise lots of money for a couple of charities(not chosen yet), so the more participants the better to spread the word and turn this into a great story that we can get into the media for coverage. Any ideas/suggestions on that front are very welcome.Allezallezallez!Cheers, Andy

Walk 4 PTSD

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

This walk is due to start on the 04th of May 2015 from Andover High Street and will end 4 months later on the 31st of August 2015.

Those taking part on the walk will be veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and in addition to this VIA are looking for 1,000 people to walk a short distance with the VIA Team.Please follow the link to the Walk 4 PTSD website www.walk4PTSD.org.uk. The idea for Walk 4 PTSD came from our previous long distance walk called World War 1 100 which was not completed due to an injury. Many things were learned from this previous walk and the first was in order to get people to walk with you on something this big it is better to have its own dedicated website which has been constructed. This website will give individuals or teams wishing to join the team the ability to choose where and when using the maps on the site.The aim of the walk is to walk around the coastline of mainland Britain using National Trails and tracks where possible taking in the fantastic countryside that Britain has to offer.The walk will be completed over 4 months with time set aside where the VIA Team will fund-raise in towns and cities on our route. Short walks will also be done into these towns where people will be invited to walk with the VIA Team and get sponsored a minimum of 100 and if we reach our target of 1,000 people throughout the walk we will raise 100k to help those who suffer.

Trans-Siberian Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The Trans-Siberian Expedition is the initiation of a larger project called Run Our Planet Expeditions.For me this will be unmatched in scale, dedication, willpower and grandeur.This series of expeditions will see me run solo/unsupported (mostly) all 7 continents, 40 countries and 30 000 miles in a quest to look at the relationship between Man, Planet, Transport and the Future of it all as well as contributing to good and valuable causes. The Trans Siberian Expedition is the first of these expeditions and will see me running solo/unsupported 8000 miles from Vladivostok (Russia) back to London while raising funds and awareness for the great work that the Youth Sport Trust does for our young people.



CommunityBelinda KirkComment


On June 11th I shall be cycling around the world. I have wanted to travel the world since a very young ageand have been dreaming about distant lands and faraway adventures for a long time. Now it is time to act upon these dreams and start chasing.As a conservation graduate, I am also very fond of the environment and for me, the chance to raise money and awareness while travelling was a match made in heaven.

I will be stopping my cycle tour regularly, in order to volunteer for various NGOs and help them in their conservation work and to help raise awareness. I want my blog to not only be a personal account of a global cycle tour, but to act as a resource to any future volunteers looking for that perfect project.At this moment in time, I am trying to build up a following on my facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/cycle2conserve (and eventually a twitter account) in order to support my pursuit of equipment sponsorship. If anybody here would like to help me raise the profile of my journey, please like my page, share it with friends who might be interested in a nutter's musings or even better, sponsor me?If anyone would like any further details of my journey please don't hesitate to ask and I will get back to you.

This site rocks!


900 Days 900 Huts

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

To walk to all the DOC huts there are in New Zealand in as many days...I have tramped in New Zealand before but so far managed to barely scratch the surface of what there is to explore. With my next walk (http://900days900huts.info/) I hope to explore the beautiful kiwi bush more intensely and for a longer period of time. The walk starts in May/June of this year and planned to end around end of the year 2017. It goes on for about roughly 900 days and designed to do it in one go. Please share your thoughts or suggestions..

South Pole Full Distance

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Skiing the South Pole - Messner route - is a challenging 580 mile (934 km) traverse through remote, freezing terrain from the Ronne Ice Shelf on the edge of the frozen Antarctic continent to the Geographic South Pole. The route skirts the western flank of the massive Foundation Ice Stream and the Transantarctic Mountains, then turns south toward the Pole. Extremely Strenuous The trip means skiing and pulling a pulk in one of the most inhospitable environments of the world; uphill all the way, where altitude exceeds 11,000 feet (3350 m) and temperatures may drop below 40C with severe wind chill and storms. Paula will be active for 8-12 hours a day hauling heavy loads of approx. 65kg for 38 days.

She must have the physical ability to cover a minimum daily distance and the mental stamina to continue in extreme conditions when she is exhausted. Courage, stamina, technical skill, a high level of strength and aerobic fitness, and commitment to a pre-trip training programme are also required. That's the official blurb! It's basically going to be challenging :) And I'm doing it for charity - it's a new charity called 'Gutsy Gastros' - for children and young people with life threatening bowel conditions such as bowel cancer, total intestinal failure, chronic Crohns others. Or, in real terms, I have a friend with a son who is 6 and he's in trouble... The charity is just being set up officially - prompted by my expedition! - so please watch this space for a Just Giving page or the charity's website.

Thanks for your support,


Circumnavigation SUP

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi guys,

I am looking at a project of Paddling 50-100km/day on a SUP for approx.2 months in Europe. I have a ground crew but I will be in the water solo, I am still nutting out the mapping/logistics. I was hoping to get some professionals advice on training and nutrient. I am currently in Australia but will be situated in Europe as of September 15, with the project to start in May 16.

If you have any advice or contacts that could help me with this and any other aspects you can think of please don't hesitate to contact me...every little bit helps.

Keeping things low key at the moment due to the association of charities and potential sponsors.

Thank you,



Great British Viking Quest

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The Great British Viking Quest begins in Henley-On-Thames, on the River Thames, England's longest river, on May 28th 2015. From Henley-On-Thames, Sarah will row to Tower Bridge, London, searching for clues of our Viking past.From London, Sarah sets out, anti clockwise around the coast of Britain, stopping off at points of significant Viking interest. This single-handed circumnavigation of Great Britain by rowing boat will finish in Henley-On-Thames in September 2015.

Please get touch via the comments below if you'd like to know more.

Expedition 196

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

My name is Cassie De Pecol and I am a 26 year old female adventurer from Washington, Connecticut. I spent my early years involved in Montessori, Waldorf, Public and Home Schooling before enrolling in 5 universities spanning across two countries and five states for 3 1/2 years before deciding to travel the world indefinitely. On July 24th, 2015, I departed on an international expedition for World Peace and Sustainability as I attempt to break aGuinness World Record for being the Fastest Person to Travel to All Sovereign Nations as well as the first documented female. I am meeting with Ministers of Tourism, Skal members (skal.org)as well as Mayors of Towns, Cities and Villages in each of the Sovereign Nations as I present to them a Declaration of Peace. In February of 2015, I spoke at the IIPT World Symposium held in Johannesburg, South Africa and it is here that I will be honoured as the IIPT Ambassador for Peace. I also attended the World Travel and Tourism Summit in Madrid, Spain in April of 2015 and was honored to meet the King of Spain, Felipe VI. I am not travelling as an American, but as a Global Citizen.Throughout my expedition I will be filming to create an educational documentary that will ideally be used as a toolkit in High Schools and Universities across the globe, showcasing Global Peace, what it means to both children and citizens of the Millennial Generation and how they can go about creating a more unified world.

If you'd like to keep updated with my expedition, you can interact with me and follow my updates on the following Social Media outlets:Facebook:www.Facebook.com/Expedition196Twitter:@Expedition196Instagram:@expedition_196YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCewfSx_ymnhO3YSWMEazYfwE-mail:info@expedition196.comWebsite:www.expedition196.comTo learn more about me you can visit: www.cassiedepecol.com.Carpe Diem 3

Patrick's South Pole Expedition

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Im walking the last 2 degrees of the Earth (222km) completely unsupported with just one other man, Conrad Dickinson. This comes after being diagnosed and treated for bowel, prostate and skin cancers (all unrelated)...its a celebration of my recovery and a way to get my message of the importance of early diagnosis out!

The American Teenage Experience Road Trip

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

The plan is to cross the nation this coming summer 2015, travelling and working on the ground with other teenage writers/photographers/filmmakers/good travel partners to capture the american teenage experience across regional and socioeconomic borders. The goal is to see what, if anything, we have in common, and get more teenagers interested in national and international affairs. Ted Simon had a more succinct assessment, I assume your purpose it to get young people off their asses and into the game. Right - O.

I'm currently looking for other teenagers who'd be interested in being a travel partner for the trip or a leg of it, or working with us on the ground. If you are one, or know one, we'd love to hear from you. I'm also looking for potential backers of the project. Not necessarily monetarily,but by adding a name to it, and acting as a reference to our (mostly) good character. Partnering with the project would be a great for small, start up-y adventure companies to get some exposure, and make the project more legit. Once again, if you are part of or know of any organisations that might be interested, wed love to hear from you. Lastly, if anyone knows anybody at Amtrak or others involved with trains in the U.S, that'd be much appreciated. Travelling across the country by rail poses challenges in the U.S, but I think it also gives a unique perspective. If all else fails, the car remains an open option. Thanks, and cheers to the new year,Will Friend

Mongolian Long Ride

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

A planned solo expedition to cross Mongolia. On horseback. Yes, that's right. Two horses actually. With the world in a seemingly endless rush to get its hands on a Black Friday Asda telly, what better time to embark on a nostalgic adventure harking back to the good old days of equine exploration. Forget doing it fast or furthest. Just enjoy doing it.

Ever since I could speak, I spoke of horses. Now I have the time and energy to do something few people would think of, or it turns out, care to do. Ride across Mongolia and visit one of the last Nomadic horse cultures left. Really visit. Learn what it means to live or die by your horsemanship.Kindly recognised by The Long Riders Guild and with their huge wealth of knowledge and expertise in equine based exploration as a resource, I have put the plans in place for a three month Expedition across the Steppe.

Tough logistically and physically, the romantic notions of riding off into the sunset were something I was keen to avoid. Long riders are a tough breed but never have I come across a group of people more willing to impart knowledge, often hard fought on the trail, then these quiet heroes. If you haven't read Tim Copes new book On the Trail of Genghis Khan, you should. In it he details his odyssey across Mongolia to the shores of the Danube. Some 10,000km away in Hungary. It took him three and a half years. He had never ridden a horse before.Expeditions are often arduous and difficult, perhaps more so when the typical hierarchy of needs such as a warm place to sleep for the night, are superseded by thoughts for your horses well being.

This is the Long Riders code. The journey, not for glory or recognition, but more as a sharing experience between two different species. To me, the very essence of adventure.If you are in Mongolia next year, drop me a line. If you fancy hearing how I got on, drop me a line. If you ever dreamed of riding across the Steppe, drop me a line.Good luck with all the other adventures going on out there, there are still many more to be found.Jack