Explorers Connect

South Pole Full Distance

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Skiing the South Pole - Messner route - is a challenging 580 mile (934 km) traverse through remote, freezing terrain from the Ronne Ice Shelf on the edge of the frozen Antarctic continent to the Geographic South Pole. The route skirts the western flank of the massive Foundation Ice Stream and the Transantarctic Mountains, then turns south toward the Pole. Extremely Strenuous The trip means skiing and pulling a pulk in one of the most inhospitable environments of the world; uphill all the way, where altitude exceeds 11,000 feet (3350 m) and temperatures may drop below 40C with severe wind chill and storms. Paula will be active for 8-12 hours a day hauling heavy loads of approx. 65kg for 38 days.

She must have the physical ability to cover a minimum daily distance and the mental stamina to continue in extreme conditions when she is exhausted. Courage, stamina, technical skill, a high level of strength and aerobic fitness, and commitment to a pre-trip training programme are also required. That's the official blurb! It's basically going to be challenging :) And I'm doing it for charity - it's a new charity called 'Gutsy Gastros' - for children and young people with life threatening bowel conditions such as bowel cancer, total intestinal failure, chronic Crohns others. Or, in real terms, I have a friend with a son who is 6 and he's in trouble... The charity is just being set up officially - prompted by my expedition! - so please watch this space for a Just Giving page or the charity's website.

Thanks for your support,
