Explorers Connect


Developing a TV Show in Peru

How-toBelinda KirkComment

Hi everyone.

My first time posting. I'm developing a TV show where we send pairs of celebrities out on some tough treks. I'm looking for people with first hand knowledge of the following routes who also have some time to chat with me! Inca trail and nearby, Peru; Dolomites Italy, Any Bhutan, Zion, Utah, Kokoda, PNG, Tigers gorge, China.


Research for a novel

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi Everybody,

I'm currently researching a novel which has a really important scene which takes place on the border of Jordan and Syria, a few miles into the Syrian side. For obvious reasons, I cant get out there to research what the landscape looks like. Is there anybody who knows that area who can describe it to me? On Google Earth it looks a lot greener than I expected.




Jungle equipment

CommunityBelinda KirkComment

Hi everyone,

I have signed up for Expeditions leader course starting in April next year for 16 weeks, which two are in wales and in mountain terrain, and then 14 weeks in jungle terrain. I now seek some advise of what kind of kits, etc that I would need to prepare myself for, since this is the start of something new for me and I'm very excited but also a bit scared:). All help and advise are very much appreciated!! Cant wait for the challenge and then hopefully change my career to become an expedition leader.I really think this website can be of very much help in the future.

Kind regards

Sophie Myhr
