Explorers Connect

Two crew mates needed for the TWAC 2024

Join a TeamBelinda Kirk

Hi all! Steve and Molly here. We have been lucky enough to secure an entry for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2024 and we are currently looking to complete our 4-person team for a 3000 miles row across the Atlantic Ocean. We have a very inclusive boat and are looking for crew of any age or gender.

A bit about Molly – “I am a 24-year-old professional living in London. I am currently a competitive river rower looking to take on the challenge of a lifetime! My main aim is to complete the challenge with the overall goal of really living in the moment and thinking of only rowing, sleeping, and eating. I can bring nearly 7 years’ worth of rowing experience, brilliant organisation skills and a strong team ethic.” Hemeter.molly@icloud.com

A bit about Steve – “I am a 49-year-old male from Poole, England. I’ve spent nearly 30 years in endurance sports from swimming the English Channel to completing 10 x Ironmen in 10 days.  Rowing; however, is a new challenge for me, and I am learning my new trade with a local Gig Rowing club around Poole Harbour and the Dorset coastline. I have spent 13 years in the Army and 20 years in the security services and with that I can bring organisation, discipline, motivation and a sense of humour to our team.” stevehaywood4@gmail.com


If you are interested or can put us in touch with somebody who might be – please contact us on the email addresses above.