Explorers Connect

Wild Night Out: the night of adventure open to all

Belinda Kirk

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in #wildnightout2020.

The last four months have been challenging for us all, we expected participation to be lower this year and we understand why. However now we also realise that Wild Night Out has never been more important to those who were able to get involved. We have been heartened by the sharing of photos and films, the private messages and the donations.  Thank you, thank you for making #wildnightout2020 a success. And for those who couldn't join us this year, see you in 2021

The winners for the best photos, films, blogs & 'most adventurous' competition are Keith Macintosh, Sarah Reeve, Tracy Purnell, Outdoor Exploits and Matt Garnett. Thank you to Ellis Brigham Mountain Sports for their generous prizes. 

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If you missed any of the online events, you can still take the quiz, listen to the adventure talk or enjoy the campfire stories on our Facebook Live Page (NB Most of the events are suitable for all ages but the ghost-stories are for adults and older children only)

Remember if you had a great #wildnightout2020 please support disadvantaged kids to experience something similar as part of the life-changing programmes run by Youth Adventure Trust. Please donate  

See you next year on 17th July 2021 for a Wild Night Out when we can meet again 'in real life' and under the stars. Put it in your diary now!

We are looking to add to our team of volunteers in 2021, if you’re passionate about helping others get outside and can commit your time to helping the night of adventure please contact us on enquiries@explorersconnect.com. In particular we are looking for assistance with running our social media campaign (January 2021 - July 2021) and with schools liason (November 2020 to February 2021).

Huge thank you from us all 

Belinda, Steve, Dave, Lawrence,  Julian, Nics, Joel, Becca, Max, Rowan, Leanne