Explorers Connect

Naked and Afraid – Escape the Island

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I’m Neil, a 31 year old Brit who enjoys all types of expeditions. In the last couple of years I’ve kayaked, skied and climbed in Siberia, Svalbard, Greenland; my most recent trip being a winter ski traverse of Iceland in January 2020.

I’m also involved with a sex and body positive group, Project PC, that do work to help destigmatise nudity and alternative sexual lifestyles.

I’ve been toying with the idea of combining these two interests for a while; and have come up with an idea in response to debates about “unsupported” in an expedition context. In this context we’ll be looking to push the definition of “unsupported” its extremes; no equipment, no clothes, no food. The idea is loosely based on the TV show ‘Naked and Afraid’ – although we’ll be journeying rather than trying to stay in one place.

We’ll be starting on the coast of a Spanish island and aiming to attempt a coast-to-coast crossing. All possessions will be left at the start line, except for a Garmin InReach such that we can be tracked, and have the option to request assistance if required. Rather than posting here, I’ll discuss the island and exact route planned with anyone who is interested. That said, the route has been set such that it should be achievable in a couple of days. A support crew in a vehicle will track us via the Garmin InReach and stay close in case we should need assistance.

Dates: late September or early October

Approx cost: part funded by ProjectPC; likely to be less than £100pp all-in

No specific experience or skills are needed, but due to the nature of the expedition I’ll need to talk the plan through in some detail with anyone who is interested, so as to ensure they are making an informed decision.

If keeping your clothes on is more your thing, then please see my ad for a Cyprus coast-to-coast walk for which I’m also looking for team mates for.

Please email neil@neilcoxmisadventures.com if you would like to chat a bit more about this.

Details of my previous adventures can be found at http://www.neilcoxmisadventures.com.

Details of Project PC’s work can be found at https://www.projectpc.co.uk.
