Explorers Connect

COVID-19: Our Response to Coronavirus

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Updated 6th May 2020

Being ‘social’ is at the heart of what we do so all Explorers Connect events and gatherings have had to be cancelled until September 2020. We will stay in touch with free online socials and planning/advice seminars, details of which will be shared on social media and in our newsletter.

Our best wishes to everyone in the community and their families.


Updated 23rd April 2020

We would like to issue the following statement to provide our members with an update on our precautions and preparations in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

In line with current Government guidelines, we have taken the decision that all upcoming adventures, events and courses due to run from today through to 25th June 2020 will be postponed.

Participants on each course or adventure due to run between now and the end of June 2020 have been contacted explaining how we are handling each specific event. We anticipate that anything from June onwards will go ahead as planned, but will monitor the situation as it unfolds to assess further - as needed.

In the event that we have to postpone further events as the situation develops, we will either re-schedule or issue participants with an 18-month voucher. Please rest assured that we will continue to closely monitor the situation and that the safety and welfare of our members and staff is our highest priority. 

If you are trying to get hold of us, please know that we are working around the clock to get back to you with the best advice possible, and that your safety is paramount. We are tackling each event in order of urgency and will respond to every query as quickly as we can.

We are thinking of you all and hope that everyone stays safe. Good luck, and we hope to see you soon.

From Belinda Kirk, Founder of Explorers Connect