Explorers Connect

Seeking Extraordinary Adventure Tales To Be Made Into Films

Join a Team, CommunityBelinda Kirk


We're looking for remarkable stories of human endeavour in extreme circumstances - along the lines of Last Breath, 127 Hours and Touching The Void. We are making an exciting series of single narrative films for a major broadcaster.

We're seeking incredible stories of human endeavour where, in life-threatening situations, those involved have used their expertise, endurance, ingenuity, courage and human spirit to overcome extreme conditions in some of the most remote or hostile locations on earth.

We're not necessarily looking for established talent but for genuinely intrepid adventurers, rescuers, scientists, pioneers in their respective fields or explorers who have faced feats of human endurance whilst attempting to push boundaries, advance science or undertake challenging missions.

We are seeking only the most extraordinary stories of surviving against impossible odds or extreme conditions. We understand many members of Explorers Connect take on such huge challenges, so we’d love to hear from you.

Crucially, we're looking for an element of self-shot footage to help tell these stories

Please contact us at production@back2back.tv using the subject line header ‘Adventure Film Proposal’