Explorers Connect

Why Donate on Wild Night Out

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk

“If it wasn’t for the Youth Adventure Trust, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.”

On 1st July, people all around Britain will be taking part in Wild Night Out 2017, a night - and day - of adventure to be shared with friends and family. The Youth Adventure Trust works with disadvantaged young people who might not be lucky enough to have these kinds of opportunities. Donations that are received through Wild Night Out will go towards making sure these young people get to experience the life changing effects that outdoor adventure can have. The money will help young people like Ella, this is her story…


Ella's two older siblings were kicked out of school for behaviour issues before Year 10 (age 14/15). The school referred Ella to the Youth Adventure Trust because they were worried things were starting to go wrong for her - they wanted to offer her something positive to try and harness her energy and potential, rather than just punish her. They wanted her to see that there are adults who want to listen to her and help her and that not everyone in authority was 'against' her and her family.

The following is taken from a letter written to us by Ella, who finished the Youth Adventure Programme recently:

My journey with the Youth Adventure Trust

Back in year 7, I was asked to attend and commit to a 3 year course which would help build confidence, build self-esteem; teach me to be patient, make new friends, and try things I would never usually try.

I was faced with challenging situations. Most importantly I was faced with my fears and made the decision to confront them and try my absolute best to work through and get past them. I can honestly say if it wasn’t for the ‘Youth Adventure Trust’, I would not be the person I am today.

My favourite memory of the whole experience was when we went caving. I and a vast majority of my group were very worried about being in such confined spaces and at first refused to go in, but with the support and encouragement of Rob and the volunteers we all went in.

From around the age of 12 years old I was frequently rude and aggressive, I didn’t care what I said or who I said it to. I had a lot of home problems and school problems. I would always truant class and run away from teachers. This course taught me that the decisions I was making at the time would affect me for the rest of my life. Now at the age of 16 years old I am looking to pass all of my GCSE’s, go to college and also be the first in my family to attend university.

Any donation, big or small, will make a huge difference to so many disadvantaged kids, donate today.


There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!