Explorers Connect

What to pack for a Wild Night Out

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk

By Hannah James-Johnson, WNO Social Media Manager @outdoorgirlontheweb

No not that kind of wild night out, leave the heels and cocktail shakers at home and get yourself out there, into the wild and experience something a little different. For me, the best adventures are the ones where you never quite know what’s coming but that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared. I’ve put on my thinking cap to reminisce about all the misadventures I’ve had outdoors to come up with a mini list of my essentials to happy wild days and nights outside:

  1. Headtorch.
    From making dinner to finding the perfect wee spot (lets be honest, we’ve all done it!), having hands-free light is essential. Don’t forget the spare batteries, and I love one that’s waterproof for when you forget you’ve got it on your head in the inevitable British drizzle. TOP TIP - if your campmates are tired of you blinding them with your awesome torch come night time, find yourself a milk carton or something similar to stick your torch in and create a camp lantern.

  2. Dry Socks. At the risk of sounding like your mum, wet feet do not a happy camper make, and when the soggy socks hit, a dry pair are pure heaven. If garden-camping is your thing I think you might be safe (just hope they let you back in the house!) but if you’ve ventured further afield, make sure you’ve packed a pair to keep those little piggies happy. TOP TIP - stuff the little bits that always end up rolling around the bottom of your bag into your spare pair, like a little fluffy clutch bag all set for that wild night out.

  3. Your favourite snacks
    I am a firm believer in enjoying whatever wilderness you chose to explore, and nothing says ‘I’m loving my wild night out!’ like your favourite snacks. I’m partial to some mini Reese’s Cups and you can’t go wrong with the classic Haribo. Whatever you chose, keep thinking about how good it’ll taste when you reach camp and snuggle down for the night, especially if you’ve got a bit of a hike in between you and your sleeping bag! TOP TIP - keep all the snacks securely sealed and packed away come bed time, as my boyfriend and I found to our detriment when some peanut-butter loving mice decided to join our Lake District bivvying adventure at 3am. I lovingly told him to stop being paranoid and go to sleep, because surely no mice would get that close to his head for Reeses. How wrong I was…

Enjoy your wild night out!

By Hannah James-Johnson, WNO Social Media Manager @outdoorgirlontheweb


There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!