Explorers Connect

How to Plan a One Day Adventure

How-to, Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk
how to plan a one day adventure.jpg

Kit list:
1. Map and compass
2. Chosen mode of transport
3. A sense of adventure!

What to wear:
Pick up your wallet, open the door, step outside...and begin! Choose a train station that's about 30 miles from your home and buy a one way ticket. This distance is likely to take you to an area of lovely countryside and is a distance long enough to be a challenge but achievable in one day. Once you've arrived at your destination, hop on your bike and cycle home. I'd suggest you navigate homewards using a compass rather than a map, as it will tell you the direction, rather than a route. The twists and turns along the way make your adventure a journey into the unknown. 

One more thing:
You can adjust the details of your micro-adventure to suit you. If you're an experienced or novice cyclist just increase or decrese the mileage. If being without a map is too daunting, then by all means use one.  

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There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!