Explorers Connect

7 Tips for a Safe Wild Night - And Day - Of Adventure

Wild Night OutBelinda Kirk

The word ‘adventure’ can really indulge your imagination, from escaping jungles in the depths of the Congo to searching Pharaoh’s tombs hidden in the sands of Egypt. Whilst these are the backdrops of famous film scripts, there is nothing stopping us from participating in an adventure much closer to home. Adventure also brings thoughts of danger, which is something we really do not recommend you seek during Wild Night Out.


Here are seven tips to stay safe on 1 July:


I know, I know, we’re lucky if we even spot the sun this summer. But don’t underestimate the intensity of the sun’s rays, especially on windy days and when there’s cloud cover. Apply sunscreen half an hour before you go outside and reapply frequently. Try to avoid the midday period, and keep a hat and sunglasses handy.


Along the coast always check tide times when walking; keep dogs on leads near cliffs and don’t get too close to the edge yourself; take note of signs when swimming and if possible, swim on guarded beaches; and wear the right kit when headed out on the water. Inland, it’s really important to take note of any signs about swimming and jumping restrictions, and always be aware of hidden dangers. Also bear in mind water can be extremely cold, particularly just below the surface in deep lakes. Most important of all, always supervise children in water.


We’re more likely to be walking the narrow lanes around Britain and exploring our beautiful countryside and it’s always worth revisiting The Highway Code. Remember to keep right and face oncoming traffic if there’s no pavement available so that you can see vehicles coming towards you and cross the road if there’s a sharp bend coming, to ensure traffic can see you clearly.


When you’re more likely to be out in crowded situations, such as the beach, or on holiday in a new place, make sure your children know how to stay safe. They should know to go to someone in charge if they get lost and be able to say their name and their parent/guardian’s name and address. Remind them to stay with friends if they’re out without you, and to never go off with an adult without checking with a parent or guardian.


Britain’s a pretty safe place, but summer can bring a greater risk of bugs and bites. Protect yourself with some insect repellent and if in an area that’s prone to tics, try to wear long sleeves and trousers. Think about your four-legged friend too – check them for tics and bites after a walk.


Drink plenty of fluids, and make sure you’re carrying plenty with you for any long, summer outings. If you don’t know the area, or are off for a remote adventure, don’t take a risk that there’ll be a spot to buy them along the way. This is the same for snacks, make sure you pack snacks that are high in energy and light to carry, things like oat and grain bars can give you a great healthy and natural boost.


Last, but not least, brush up on your navigation skills. Keep yourself safe by knowing how to read a map and always carry one with you, it really could save your life. Map apps are great (have you tried OS Maps?), but always carry a paper map too, their battery doesn’t run out! In case of an incident, the ability to tell the emergency services exactly where you are can be key to a speedy rescue too. The OS Locate app will give you a grid reference for your location, which could be a real lifesaver.


There are so many ways you can go wild at night. Anyone and everyone can take this opportunity to make some amazing memories to treasure forever. To get your imagination going, we’ve gathered together some ideas, stories, and how-to guides to help you design the very best Wild Night Out for you.

Everyone needs a Wild Night Out!