Explorers Connect

Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike - Teammates Wanted

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Graham is looking for teammates to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail.

Having just completed a long trek around part of England, I am now planning my next challenge.  This time I’m looking for companions to join me in a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in the eastern USA.

It’s likely to take around 6 months, going northbound from Georgia to Maine. I’m also thinking of staying on in New England for a couple of weeks afterwards, to wind down - why rush back home?

I’m an experienced walker/backpacker, and I’m looking for up to 3 people who:

  • Can commit ideally for the entire duration, though if you can only commit for less (minimum 2-3 months) please still get in touch.

  • Must have plenty of hill- and mountain-walking experience (UK-only or UK/Europe is fine, doesn’t have to be in North America).

  • Some long-distance hiking experience with a full rucksack essential (20-35lbs, multi-day treks).

  • Outdoors first aid experience/qualification or better useful but not essential. 

I’d also like to hear from anybody who has thru-hiked the AT (or attempted it), for the benefit of your experience, particularly with issues like planning, gear and visas.

Timings are a little up in the air at the moment, as I’ve experienced some delays, but I’d still be very keep to hear from anyone who is interested in hiking the Appalachian Trail, and I’ll post more details on timings as they evolve.

Please contact me on graham@edenmark.co.uk.  I look forward to hearing from you.
