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Run and Wild Camp the UK's National Parks!

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In 2019 I will be attempting to solo run and wild camp across every National Park in the UK, as far as i am aware, this has never been completed or attempted before.

It will be a true traverse, so that means starting and ending at a border of each park, in all there are 15 parks stretching from the south coast to the eastern mountains of Scotland. Each park will be completed per month with some taking 2 parks per months, starting in January 2019 and ending in November 2019.

I'm seeking companions, feel free to join me on the road or the trial, there a lot for me to do still with planning and arranging accommodation, what I really seek is some help with filming, Id like to create a documentary for the entire year to be screening via the usual social media places and perhaps at talks. Id like some help with this side as im not familiar with filming nor do i own the kit needed to make something really special, if anyone has a drone that you can bring to the party that would be great.

Any help pop over to the Bearded Bimbler facebook page or shoot me an email mikeskint@hotmail.co.uk