Explorers Connect

Paddle The Length Of The Nile!

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My name is Sarah and I'm planning an expedition to paddle the length of the Nile and I'm looking for teammates!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to going a very exciting and challenging expedition! I'm planning to complete a source-to-sea human powered descent of the Nile. It is due to start on 18-Oct and will take approximately 7 months to complete with a mix of rafting and kayaking. Information can be found on www.paddlethenile.com

I am looking for people with very good whitewater skills - ideally rafting guides to join for the initial 3 weeks (plus travel time to source and at the end) from the source in Rwanda to Lake Victoria. Then for another 3 weeks (approximately) starting around 21-Nov for the Uganda section from Lake Victoria to the South Sudan border. You don't need to do both sections. There'll be a gap between the end of the Rwanda section and start of Ugandan while I cross Lake Victoria and then have a few rest days to prep for the Ugandan section. 

The rafting guides will be experienced in the region and there will be safety kayakers as needed. This expedition has advisers who are incredibly experienced on the Nile and completing journeys like this. I'm a risk manager by trade and investing a lot of time and effort into the risk management for this trip. 

You'll need to be flexible with dates and self-funded (unless I hit the jackpot in the Lottery between now and then). If you have medical skills and/or videography skills as well - a big bonus. You'll need to show you have appropriate insurance and the required and recommended vaccinations, plus complete a medical questionnaire and sign a waiver. 

We'll be camping on the way - it's going to be basic. Need to be strong and ready for portages too! It is going to be tough going, but is guaranteed to be an amazing experience! 

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