Explorers Connect

Looking for teammates in the 'Stans'

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Gavin is about to finish a project filming Sean Conway in around 4 days, in Ufa, Russia; and will have to leave Russia by the end of May. I'm looking for a project to collaborate on following this while I'm over at this latitude. I have a 4wd camper with spare sleeping space for one, and passenger space in cab for two. I'm an expedition photographer/film maker with all the necessary equipment to shoot and edit on location, including drone and timelapse equipment, and can make 3D models and maps from the air.

I'm hoping to head to the 'stans', anywhere around the Caspian sea, Northern Turkey etc. Or a route back to UK via the Baltic states or Sweden & Norway. But am also open to other suggestions heading further afield.

I'm just looking to share costs (mostly fuel), meet some people and hopefully get involved in some cool projects while i'm over this way and on the way back to the UK. So if you have a project in mind (or just fancy getting involved in a section of an exciting adventure) then please do get in touch!!! :-)

Facebook: @ospreyimagery
Instagram: @ospreyimagery
Email: gavin.kaps@gmail.com